We at the CDC of Hope have recognize some of us and in the near by community are obsessed. So in 2004 we started what is now our annual Walk for Obesity drive. The purpose is to jump start our selves and to invite the community in to getting fit. After the winter holidays it is easy to put on a few pounds. Taking care of business is what most of us do and the time needed for our health and fitness takes a back seat. We gain weight when our body takes in more calories than it burns off. Those extra calories are stored as fat. The amount of weight gain that leads to obesity doesn't happen in a few weeks or months. Because being obese is more than just being a few pounds overweight, people who are obese have usually been getting more calories than they need for years. To combat this we host an annual Walk for Obesity Fund Raiser in the early spring. Our goal is to construct a neighborhood fitness/gym for the youth and the elderly. In turn encouraging everyone to start and take part in exercising for their and others health.